Sunday, September 20, 2009

Daily Kos Ridicules Son of Herman Wouk

Joseph Wouk, the son of writer Herman Wouk, lives in Tel Aviv. As an American, an Israeli, and a resident of Tel Aviv, he is deeply concerned about the possibility of Iranian nuclear weaponry pointed at his town.

Wouk, however, made the mistake of letting his concerns be known on Daily Kos.

The Kossacks were having none of it.

Although Wouk's diary was not very well fleshed out, it certainly did not deserve the ridicule that it received.

Zannie, not surprisingly, was particularly blunt in the insensitivity of her response:

take a chill pill.

That comment nicely sums up the feelings of the Daily Kos I-P community, as a whole. Because Mr. Wouk is concerned that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad actually means what he says when he threatens Israel with annihilation, he was ridiculed, demeaned, and generally spat upon.

Another commenter put it this way:

Oh ahmadenijad is denying the holocaust again? yawn.

Because denying the Holocaust and threatening Israel with destruction is such a "yawn," apparently. Rather boring, in fact. Who cares, really?

Even Volleyboy1, a strong supporter of Israel, got into the act.

This diary and this comment are both ridiculous.

Right. Because what could be more ridiculous than a person who lives in Tel Aviv being concerned about the possibility of Iranian aggression? Joseph Wouk was not calling for a strike against Iranian nuclear facilities. He was expressing his heart-felt fear that Iran might do precisely what Iran has threatened to do. The very notion of it, tho, is apparently "ridiculous."

Furthermore, anyone who expresses that fear must be a hard-line, right-wing conservative.

Which party are with? Are you Likud? Are you Yisrael Beitanu? Are you a hold over from Kach.... Which is it?

Given that Joseph Wouk was a chairman of SDS at Columbia University in the early 1970s, such a charge is absurd on its face and demonstrates the ideological rigidity of many within dKos I-P. Anyone who dares to venture off the ideological beaten path just must be a member of the screaming far right. There is no other possible explanation. Disagree with the general mood of Daily Kos I-P and you must, therefore, be some sort of combination of Benjamin Netanyahu, Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck.

In any case, the reception of Mr. Wouk's diary on Daily Kos is fairly indicative of how they feel about Israeli concerns over potentially being nuked.

Take a chill pill, stupid Israelis.


  1. It is very easy to tell Mr. Wouk how to feel when your biggest concern is whether to have the Nachos or Buffalo Wings while watching Monday Night Football.

  2. Indeed.

    I think what really pissed me off about the comments in that diary was the complete dismissiveness of this guy's obviously heart-felt and genuine concerns, combined with the unjust assumption of some nefarious right-wing agenda.

    Par for the Daily Kos.

  3. Wow.

    Volleyboy1 is really especially disgusting. He is the J Street mind. BLEGH!!! I find him in some ways scarier than Jon the Antizionist Jew, who wears his hatred on his sleeve.

    All I can say is that the responses to his diary were flat out revolting. It is quite scary to see the mind of people with total disregard for human life.

  4. Hey Florence,

    Jon's a good guy who wants to find some sort of workable common ground with people.

    I think those of us who care about Israel should take our friends and allies where we find them. You may disagree with Jon about things, but he is a friend to Israel.
