Saturday, September 5, 2009

An Echo Chamber

TomJ's latest diary has me thinking. Sure, it is filled with his usual slant. In reality, his insistence on calling the Israeli Defense Forced "Occupation Forces" underscores his denial of the right of Israel to exist. The commenters are the usual. Litho, Heathlander, Christopher Day, Aunt Martha, Eiron, Lefty Coaster and Unspeakable.

One thing is missing though, any comment by someone supporting Israel. Lefty Coaster points it out as if the lack of traffic on the diary is evidence of something.

Interesting how the Pro-I side is silent on this (0+ / 0-)

Absent is their usual knee jerk defense of IDF all uses of IDF violence. More telling is how none of them can bring themselves to condemn attacks on Palestinian protesters either.

I think it is a wild leap to interpret a lack of response to a diary as anyone being silent. Could be that the diary was posted on the Friday of Labor Day Weekend. Could also be that we have just grown tired of TomJ's diaries. It is the 2nd idea that got me thinking. Without our participation do the anti-Israel diaries just become an echo chamber? With nothing on the hidden list do we deny an avenue of publicity for diaries we disagree with?

Maybe we are going about it all wrong. Maybe it really is that we should not respond to these guys. Maybe we make small diaries big diaries by responding?

I propose that we do a little experiment. Let's not respond to any of TomJ's diaries. Let's see how comments from the larger community it gets and how many people outside the anti-Israel family mentioned above actually stop by to visit, read, and recommend. If my suspicions are correct, we can extend it to another diarist and see if it has a positive effect.




  1. I agree.

    It seems to me that there is a process of alienation taking place on the left among Jewish people and supporters of Israel. We may disagree with various Israeli policies, and we may loathe the occupation, but we are nonetheless subject to this process of alienation due to the outright hatred of the Jewish state growing on the left.

    Some of us are more ahead of the curve on this than others, but we are all subject to it.

    I really have no more particular interest in participating in a Tom J diary than I would in participating on Little Green Footballs. They are mirror images of one another. Where LGF views Islam as the source of all evil, so people on the left, like Tom J, view the Jewish state as the source of all evil.

    It is grotesque.

    So, yeah, I'm with you.

    I, at least, will avoid his stuff in the future.

  2. This is exactly the reason I avoided that diary in the first place. He and most of his fellow travelers are not worth the energy.

    So yeah, ignore teh clowns!!!

  3. Well, for the time being, let's just leave it to the Tom J diaries.

    Hopefully the word will get out and others will join us.


  4. I like the idea. Tom J is nothing more than a propagandist, and a mediocre one at that. By staying out of his diaries, they become nothing more than an Israel-sux circle jerk. So let the Usual Suspects jerk each other off, and I betcha nobody else notices. Ditto for Lefty Coaster.

  5. I see Van Jones has resigned and the theories are all over the place about why. My take? Because he dabbled with that part of the big tent that is looney. Guys like Tom P et al. Now he pays the price as will each and every would be high placed Dem that threw their lot in with that type.

    Too bad because I think he would have done well for the admin and country.

    Moral? Don't lie down with dogs; you'll come up with fleas.

  6. Maybe I'll write a word or two about it, but I could not believe what went on in Ambrose's latest diary.


  7. I know. I had to take a shower after reading those comments. The irony of it is that their Ambrose hate allows them to reveal their truest colours and sick ideologies and they are too dense to see it.

    Yes, the fleas are having a field day at dKos.

  8. 1) You are right about AB's diary. Please do diary it with the headline Daily Kos Supports David Irving;

    2) The Van Jones thing interests me. You will see our friend TomJ diaries about it and it is more of a hit piece at Rahm. I wonder why Tom J, the great anti-Israel zealot, focuses of the Jew?



  9. Hey DKW,

    I will write something up, although I am not entirely certain what I want to say beyond the obvious fact that large numbers of people who frequent dKos I-P absolutely despise the Jewish state.

    But, hell, I've been saying that for months and months. It's obvious.

    I think, tho, in order to be fair to dKos, I will make the title DKos I-P Supports Holocaust Denier David Irving, or something like that.

    I want to make certain not to castigate the site, in general, but the anti-Zionists and Israel haters.

  10. Karma,

    Don't pull punches. This one was shocking.



  11. I'll try to have somethin up tomorrow.

    Today is devoted to the Great Cassoulet Experiment.

