Monday, September 14, 2009

Racism Exists, Anti-Semitism, Not So Much

Interesting phenominom that I need to point out. The reaction of the Dialy Kos community to the Joe Wilson "you lie" incident is that it was racially motivated. They make this conclusion not because any conduct is overtly racist, but because of history and context.

I honeslty don't know if the Wilson incident is racist, but I am certainly not willing to rule it out. The Daily Kos reaction though, underscores a point that I have made before. The Daily Kos community is all too willing to see racism even where they have to read it into a situation. However, the same community is incredibly obtuse when it comes to recognizes the same type of hidden bigotry against Jews.



  1. That's actually quite true.

    It's a tricky thing. We need to avoid making unjust accusations of anti-Semitism, yet we absolutely must call it out when it arises. However, if we do call it out we run the risk of causing a shit-storm and being thought of as troublemakers among people who simply cannot see it.

  2. Can't or won't? I suspect there is way too much of the latter mainly because to recognize it would create such cognitive dissonance to the narrative that they would risk losing their status as reputable pro-P's. Now I may be talking more about Israel hate than antisemitism but in the long game, it is all pretty much equal.

    Proof of that last statement?.....'Jews harvesting Algerian kids' organs'

    This on the heels of Aftonblade and the PA and Arab-Israeli MP's demanding investigations. The intertwining of Israel hate and Jew hate via the ancient blood libels is just one example of how it all works.
