Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Few Days Off -and Join This Blog

I am really busy at work, and for my own sanity, I need to stay away from the I/P world for a few days. After reading that awful Op-Ed in the NYT this morning, I know today is another day to stay away from DailyKos. So, you people are on your own again today. Go at it in the comments.

Oh, and about the comments, I have changed it so that you have to be a member to post a comment. I didn't like that people were stealing other people's names and posting. As SteveP said, it is a real breach of net etiquitte.

I am also thinking of adding another front page writer. It needs to be the right person and I am going to base it on conduct in the comments section.




  1. I think that this blog can serve a good purpose if we do it right. There are at least two things that must be avoided. The first is to make sure that we do not make unjust accusations against anyone, particularly in regards to anti-Semitism. If, and when, someone writes a diary or comment with anti-Semitic overtones, we should point it out, but we must avoid any tendency to conflate criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism.

    We should also avoid turning this place into an anti-Kos blog. The point should be to provide a place where supporters of Israel can discuss I-P, and dKos I-P meta, without an atmosphere of anti-Israel bias or the need to constantly defend Israel's existence as a Jewish state.

  2. Thanks Karmafish. I completely agree. I want this to be a rhetoric free zone. I also want the people on Daily Kos to understand that politics is involved as well and if their world view about the Middle East was adopted, there would be political consequences.

    It is essential that this not be an attack Daily Kos site. As I say in my profile, I am a strong supporter of the website, but its I/P threads are out of control and getting worse.

  3. btw, DKW,

    There was a little talk in Volleyboy's latest diary that the name "Daily Kos Watch" might be a little too aggressive. Ya know, it sounds like "Campus Watch," or whatever.

    I think they probably have a point and, if you are so inclined, you might consider renaming in the interest of growing the site.

    My 2 shekels.

  4. I have no problem with "Watch." The fact is Daily Kos' whole worldview is the problem. It not only is on the wrong side of the I/P conflict, but it always seems to side with Chavez. I think Kos is good on many domestic issues, but it is trying to drive our party to the far left.

  5. Karmafish,

    I am not going to change the name of the blog because people make unsupported and ridiculous comparisons about a name. The purpose of the blog is to watch what is said on Daily Kos regarding the Middle East. There is nothing sinister. It is kinda like saying that the New York Law Journal should change its name because ti sounds too much like the Wall Street Journal.


