Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Israel Just Called Apartheid

Let's see how many uprates this diary receives (6 and counting in only 13 minutes):


Some highlights from the article:

We need change we can believe in. We need actions. The US can decide if it wants
to continue to lavish military aid on a nation that has brazenly rejected
international law and continues to dispossess the Palestinian people.
Right out of their homes. In broad daylight.

Time for Sanctions Mr. Obama. Israel said No. They said No to stopping the settlement expansions, they said No to stopping the evictions and demolitions of Palestinian homes... and showed this past weekend they meant business. Palestinians cannot live in Press Releases. Human Rights are not bargaining chips in negotiations.

If the Obama administration does not act, if it continues to fund the Israeli regime without even the slightest hint of restrictions, even while Israel violates international law with impunity, then it is complicit in its crimes. It will not be mere "concerned" observers, but enablers of ethnic cleansing and other crimes against humanity.
Tell Obama you mean want this "constructive engagement" to end. It's time for serious action against the settlements and evictions. Time to move beyond lipservice, to nonviolent action for justice.

FYI - This is the same poster who got 63 uprates for his article about how Israel "Kidnapped" the members of the boat (i.e. Cynthia McKinney who ran AGAINST Barrack Obama) that tried to run the Israeli blockade of Gaza.

Update: The latest article is up to 15 uprates. My guess is it will get around 50.


  1. Thank you for creating this website.

    It is much needed, I think.

  2. now its got 28 uprates and and one HR, courtesy of oldskooldem.

    I have a website for anyone who buys this apartheid analogy I think all should get the facts from: www.israelcc.org/NR/rdonlyres/115403A1- DC08-4D55-840F-A38F7BD126B0/0/apartheid_israel_guide.pdf

    I say we need some diaries that debunk the apartheid myth.

  3. hey I just noticed the diariest Tom J links on his profile to stopaipac.org, which is filled with Jewish conspiracy, thinly veiled of course. This indeed shows his true colors. he is a hateful anti-semite, and we cannot debate or talk to him.

  4. people should go to stormfront and David Duke's website and see how they also use the apartheid analogy. the same lines against Israel and the Jews like ethnic cleansing, genocide against the Palestinians, blood libel, its all used there

  5. I was wondering, did anyone here know that the ANC was actually influenced by the Irgun? And the ANC was pro-Israel UNTIL the Arab states screwed Israel over and blackmailed the South Africans into the Communist bloc, and then they turned anti-Israel? You can read about this at Z-word.com and it has an interesting article we should use more called "Franchising Apartheid: Why South Africans Push the analogy" And Z-Word is organized with the AJC. More talking points: Irwin Cotler, Mandela's lawyer was Mandela's lawyer.
