Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Unbelievable Claim On Iran

Thanks to Floyd for bringing this diary to my attention. 14 people have so far recommended this article about how the "Israel Lobby" has one of its top priorities blocking Iran's gas imports as a sanction for their nuclear weapons program.

Aside from blaming Israel and the "Israel Lobby" for what is going on in Iran, the diaries makes the amazing claim that:

Four: An embargo is an act of war. If we're going to declare war on Iran because Israel doesn't want Iran to enrich uranium, let's be honest about it.

Last I checked, pretty much the entire rational world didn't want Iran to enrich uranium, it is little to do with Israel. This is just pure non-sense. I an genuinely shocked that this type of crap would get recced.

Thus far, there has been no response to Joe Johnson's claim:

What is really happening is that Israel does not like the sensible talk out of Washington about the settlements. Israel is insisting on the traditional stupid talk of the past 8 years; "do it our way or else". The Israelis are worried that their puppets in Washington may have slipped their strings. This type of talk on Iran reassures them.





  1. dmsarad is challenging the diarist in the comments, but the conversation has moved away from Jewish / Israeli responsibility for an American war to whether or not "the world" wants allow Iranian nuclear enrichment.

    What no one seems to be acknowledging is the anti-Semitic notion that the Israeli's determine US foreign policy. After giving it some thought, I have concluded that the diarist, unwittingly I assume, has given voice to notions that come directly from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which, of course, heavily influenced the Nazis and, subsequently, radical Jihad.

    We thus find ourselves in the highly peculiar position of needing to recognize the fact that a strand of Nazi ideology has made a home for itself within the progressive movement.

    That may sound like a rather extreme statement, but I do not know what else to make of it?

    It's chilling.

    Am I wrong?

  2. Can't say you are wrong, maybe a little extreme. However, the language used in many of these diaries and comments is intended to provoke and in non-anonymous society would be rightly condemned. I consider much of the debate to be bigoted and anti-semitic, but it is a lost cause because there is the reflexive ideology in I/P debates to uprate anything other than blatant anti-semitism and HR any claim of anti-semitism. Thus, comments like Israel controls congress get ignored, but calling that statement biased gets HRed.

    It is an amazing community that way. People regulalry recognize nuanced racism and sexism. Calling a woman a slut gets an HR. We attack Republicans for their nuanced racists arguments. But the community plays dumb when people make what would be to most Jews an anti-semitic comment

  3. Well, I'll say one thing, I very much hope that you are taking steps to promote this blog because you will have no lack of content to draw from.

    For myself, I've come to the conclusion that dKos I-P is quite simply a hostile environment and one that it is only with a certain relunctance that I bother to participate in.

    And, furthermore, I say this as someone raised in a Democratic household, who has never in my life voted for a Republican and who remains registered as a Democrat, who vehemently opposed the Iraq war from before the beginning, and who was absolutely disgusted by the conservative movement during the Bush years.

    And, yet, I cannot feel that dKos represents a political home.

    Sad, really.

  4. its amazing how some people hate Israel so much that they'll side with or cheer at times as diaried by someone, or apologize for Ahmadinejad, despite the fact that Ahmadinejad is a religious Islamist wingnut and Israel is a liberal democracy.

    Its like every anti-Western movement is cheered on as a liberation movement, even when they are more religiously wingnut than Robertson.

  5. Floyd,

    Once we have developed some content I will publish the blog around. I sent some emails to the NJDC and the ADL. I am hoping people will spread it around word of mouth, but I don't want it mentioned at Daily Kos in an I/P thread because that will just bring that fight here.



  6. Also, I think Alan Dershowitz should be sent this blog. He needs to see what goes on in "Democratic" circles. He may be Alan and big, but I bet he notices this stuff too. Maybe he can speak out about Daily Kos, and people will listen.

  7. I won't tell no one tis yer blog

  8. I don't want to bash Daily Kos, it is not my intent. However, positions have consequences. I want people to know that the positions they take on Israel may have real consequences in elections.


