Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Looking For Help

I am a regular contributor at Daily Kos, but I have a full time job as well as a family, so a lot goes on that I miss. If you see something that you think is outside the Democratic mainstream over there, shoot me an e-mail. Use discretion. I am looking for things like Apartheid, Hamas is not a terrorist org, Boycott Israel, Jewish Lobby, AIPAC is the devil sort of stuff. Email me the link plus the text of the offending comment.




  1. basically any diary by Christopher Day, Terra Mystica, Tom J (especially him), Jon the anti-zionist Jew (whose not really a Jew), just anything by them. I will help you as much as I can. Also, on this site, we should have rebuttals to the arguments, like "apartheid" that doesn't exist.

  2. Looks like they banned deaniac20.

  3. Well, here's a tid bit.

    Today Robert Naiman published a diary entitled "Mr. Mousavi's Gas Embargo on Iran?"

    I would provide a link, but for some reason the cut-and-paste function does not seem to work here.

    In that diary Naiman makes his argument for opposing legislation moving through congress to boycott Iranian fuel.

    He notes that this is a "top priority" of the so-called "Israel lobby."

    He claims, in his fourth listed reason to oppose this, that an embargo is an act of war and that if the US is going to go to war because Israel does not want Iran to enrich uranium we should be "honest about it."

    He is arguing, in other words, that the US congress is acting here not out of what it considers the best interests of the American people, but because either Israel or "the lobby" wants it to.

    Thus, this action, if it were to pass, is Israel's fault. The US will go to war with Iran on behalf of Israel.

    This is his claim.

    Is it anti-Semitic? I don't know, but it comes perilously close to the old anti-Semitic canard that Jews or "Zionists," or whatever, control the US government.

    In the comments Joe Johnson is claiming that "The Israelis are worried that their puppets in Washington may have slipped their strings. This type of talk on Iran reassures them."

  4. Thanks for this. Rather than posting it in the comments, better if you email it to me at



  5. Don't you want this space to be used as a place to discuss dKos I-P meta?

  6. Yeah, but I also need to post actual articles and need tips to good ones. Just posted an article on your tip. Don't want people to have to go to the comments to get the info. I want it on the front page.


